What They’re Saying

“I know it sounds dramatic, but the Strengths Finder coaching that Pam Pryor gave to my team has been life changing. We are a small office and the dynamics were just that: dynamic and often misunderstood. Since our training and one-on-one coaching, my team has been more productive and we get along better and accomplish more than we ever had before – and in a much better atmosphere. We went one step further and provided the training for our board… to say they loved it would be an understatement. In fact, they keep wanting Pam to come back for tune-ups!”
— Jody Thomas, Executive Director, National Foundation for Women Legislators

“Pam brought a new energy to our firm. We are three companies under one umbrella, spread out in our city and that means we come with all the inherent communication and turf issues. We started with the executive team and after Strengths Finders, we seem to understand each other better and it has knocked down a lot of walls. We are on track to provide this training company-wide and where we have done training, we see some growth. Highly recommend this training for companies of any size. Pam’s style hit a perfect note for our teams.
— Bill, President and Owner of Three Mid-Sized Companies

“Pam first lest Strengths Finder training for my company in 2009. We are a political consulting firm and had just come through a bruising election. It was a huge hit with employees. Fast forward, and now we require everyone to take the test even before they are onboarded. Recently, Pam did a company-wide training and we can already see the results. People are sharing their Top Five Strengths with each other, we posted all of our scores and the interaction has made an immense difference in our communication and productivity. We will keep using this valuable tool as long as we’re in business, but the true key was Pam’s individualized coaching and group presentations that made the difference.
— Becki, Business Owner

“We have been working with Pam for more than five years and her StrengthsFinder sessions are not only a crowd favorite, but incredibly valuable. The participants are able to walk away from the sessions with actionable plans to further develop their strengths and grow their contributions at work. She has handled groups of 10 to more than 100 and been flexible to whatever time was allotted. We are incredibly lucky to be able to work with Pam and look forward to her sessions every year.
— Vincent Galatro, Charles Koch Institute

“Pam Pryor is an exceptional facilitator for Strength Finders. We used Pam to coach 65 adults through the Strength Finders process and found her mentoring to be fantastic. She was entertaining and kept the interest of our group like few other facilitators. I was incredibly impressed by her ability to draw out individuals in our group. Tremendous personal growth resulted from Pam’s expert guidance. I’ll use her again and again with our organization. Her positivity inspired our group beyond measure. Pam Pryor is an absolute dynamo.”
— Shari Williams, President, Leadership Program of the Rockies

Pam’s seminar on Strength’s Finder helped my organization identify the best framework for teams and who should be responsible for different tasks when completing projects. Personally it helped me focus and where I could be the most productive and best advance the mission of my non-profit. Thanks to her training we are now more effective at working together and many staff members are tailoring their workload to take advantage of their strengths and working with other whose strengths fill the gaps in their abilities. Having Pam present and analyze our results took the test to the next level. Her expertise weaving the strengths together and giving both one-on-one and group feedback brought a helpful idea to an indispensable tool. I would highly recommend Pam to any organization that wants more effective teamwork and anyone who wants to be more productive in their career.
— F. Vincent Vernuccio, JD, Director of Labor Policy, The Mackinac Center for Public Policy