Ask yourself: each and every day, do you get to be your best, and perform your best work? For many of us, the answer isn't what we’d like it to be, and that's because often we're too focused on our weaknesses and what we're doing wrong.

Now imagine a world where you can develop the areas you enjoy and are already good at – OUR STRENGTHS. Building upon and developing your strengths instead of fixating on weaknesses puts us all on the road to this dream coming true, and that's where StrengthsFinder training takes us.

By focusing on your strengths, you and your organization can be excellent. Who wouldn't want to be excellent? World class? Best in show? Yet sadly, less than thirty percent of the people in the workforce say they get to use their strengths every day. If you could increase that by just the smallest percentage, you and your company could be more productive and fulfilled.

In short, a world focused on strengths is a better world, filled with better team members within better organizations, making the world a better place. Sound like your type of journey? Let's go on it, together.

About StrengthsFinder with Pam Pryor


The Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment is an in-depth analysis to discover your strengths. The guide is unique to your personal combination of strengths, and describes who you are in detail. It provides a comprehensive understanding of yourself, your strengths, and what makes you stand out.

The assessment is focused on each individual’s customized strengths. The StrengthFinder philosophy hinges upon these dominant talents and the idea that there is no such thing as working successfully from your weaknesses.

Pam Pryor offers customized personal sessions to help you develop these skills and learn how to use your strengths in your daily life. This will help you become more effective and fulfilled in your personal and professional endeavors.

Pam Pryor is a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach.

Gallup helps people to identify their top 5 strengths out of 34 and customize it to your persona. The online assessment tool provides a complete profile of your strengths and resources on how to best utilize your talents. It takes about 30 minutes to complete and it is very affordable for groups of any size.

Inquire for the opportunity to find out what YOUR personal strengths are. Pam offers:

  • Personal Coaching
  • Corporate Team Building
  • Manager Training
  • Executive Coaching
  • Customized Sessions to Fit Your Individual Needs

Sessions can run from 60 minutes to all day depending on your wants and needs.

Highly interactive and engaging sessions help participants really focus on their talents and make for a memorable activity that stays with people for a long time.

What They're Saying

"I know it sounds dramatic, but the Strengths Finder coaching that Pam Pryor gave to my team has been life changing. We are a small office and the dynamics were just that: dynamic and often misunderstood. Since our training and one-on-one coaching, my team has been more productive and we get along better and accomplish more than we ever had before - and in a much better atmosphere. We went one step further and provided the training for our board... to say they loved it would be an understatement. In fact, they keep wanting Pam to come back for tune-ups!"

-- Jody Thomas, Executive Director, National Foundation for Women Legislators

"Pam brought a new energy to our firm. We are three companies under one umbrella, spread out in our city and that means we come with all the inherent communication and turf issues. We started with the executive team and after Strengths Finders, we seem to understand each other better and it has knocked down a lot of walls. We are on track to provide this training company-wide and where we have done training, we see some growth. Highly recommend this training for companies of any size. Pam's style hit a perfect note for our teams."

-- Bill, President and Owner of Three Mid-Sized Companies

"Pam first lest Strengths Finder training for my company in 2009. We are a political consulting firm and had just come through a bruising election. It was a huge hit with employees. Fast forward, and now we require everyone to take the test even before they are onboarded. Recently, Pam did a company-wide training and we can already see the results. People are sharing their Top Five Strengths with each other, we posted all of our scores and the interaction has made an immense difference in our communication and productivity. We will keep using this valuable tool as long as we're in business, but the true key was Pam's individualized coaching and group presentations that made the difference."

-- Becki, Business Owner